Educational Institute Welcomes New Academic Partner

Orlando, Florida (USA) – 29 June 2012 — The American Hotel & Lodging Educational Institute (EI) has signed a Global Academic Partner (GAP) agreement with the Estonian School of Hotel and Tourism Management (EHTE) in Talinn, Estonia.

The Estonian School of Hotel and Tourism Management is a private school, providing applied higher education in Tallinn, Estonia. The mission of EHTE is to train skilled, professional and highly motivated employees for hospitality, catering and tourism service. EHTE was founded in 1996 by the Estonian Hotel and Restaurant Association, the Estonian Association of Travel Agents and the Estonian Hotel School Ltd. At present the school is run by the EHTE Ltd. There are more than 300 students at EHTE – more than 200 are students of the applied higher education curricula and about 100 study within the vocational education programs.

“Becoming a partner school of the Educational Institute enables us to become an equal partner on the international hotel training market,” said Toomas Undusk, founder and owner of the Estonian School of Hotel and Tourism Management. He noted that EHTE’s long-term partner in Finland, Haaga-Helia University of Applied Sciences, is also an EI GAP school.

The school will offer EI’s eight-course Hospitality Operations Certificate , and will also offer EI courses online for those whose schedules make it difficult to attend traditional classes.

“The current opportunity enables those who are working and unable to take hospitality management curricula in the daytime to take additional training courses,” said Undusk. “They study individually, take an online test, and get a certificate. They do not have to come to school.”

About the Educational Institute
Established in 1953 as a nonprofit educational foundation of the American Hotel & Lodging Association, the Educational Institute’s mission is to continue being the preferred provider to the lodging industry, hospitality schools, and related hospitality industries by developing and providing quality resources to train, educate, and certify hospitality professionals worldwide. Please visit

Media Contact:
Elizabeth Johnson
Senior Public Relations & Marketing Manager