Poi Sang Long Festival

travel_index_1278Mae Hong Son (Thailand) – March 23, 2014 – This festival (1 April 2014 – 9 April 2014) is an ordination ceremony according to ThaiYai’s beliefs. They believe that it will gain more the result of the merit than the ordinary ordination. The details of the festival are as following

• The first day is called “Sang Long receiving day”. The hostess will bring the boys to the tonsure ceremony in the morning but not shave the eyebrows. After that they will get Sang Long dress. Then the boys will be called “Sang Long” which the hostess will lead them to various temples and their relative’s house in order to receive the percepts.

• The second day is called “Krua Lu parade day”. There will be Sang Long parade with offering given as alms from WatMuay along the roads. There will be many people joining the parade. Sang Long boy will be carried on someone’s neck who is called “mentor” or” Ta Pae sang Long”. There will be golden umbrella or “Ti Kam” in Myanmar style to protect the sunlight.

• The third day is called “Kam Sang” which is the ordination day. Sang Long will parade to the temple.

At every temple in Mae Hong Son.

Contact details:
Mae Hong Son Municipal Officer
Tel.0 5361 2016
TAT Mae Hong Son Office
Tel. +66 5361 2982