Ethiopian Airlines, Seychelles Tourism Discuss China Marketing
Addis Ababa (Ethiopia) – 22 April 2012 – Fikre Degife, Ethiopian Airlines’ Chief Representative Regional Director of Sales & Services for Mainland China, Mongolia, and North Korea, made time during the Chinese Tourism Trade Fair in Beijing to catch up with the Seychelles Minister responsible for Tourism&Culture, Alain St.Ange, and the island’s Tourism Board’s CEO, Elsia Grandcourt, to discuss the airlines continued support of Seychelles in China.
Booking numbers on Ethiopian Airlines out of China for the Seychelles is increasing, Mr. Degife told the Seychelles delegation, who was accompanied by Jean-Luc Lai Lam, the Seychelles Tourism Attaché based in Beijing. The stand by the island’s Ministry of Health on requirements for Yellow Fever inoculations for transit passengers through Addis Ababa was also discussed, as was the effects this announcement was having on bookings already made.
Minister St.Ange and Tourism CEO Grandcourt assured the Ethiopian Airlines Chief Representative Regional Director for Sales&Services that they remained committed to working with his airline in China and in the different parts of the world in the promotion of Seychelles.
This discussion followed positive news by some of the biggest Chinese tour operators that their bookings numbers for Seychelles was up and that special extra flights to the islands was already being planned for February next year.
Ethiopian Airlines started regular services to the Seychelles on April 1 this year with four weekly flights.